I'm not quite ready to go to my new home.

Hi! My Name Is Roan

I'm in the Recovery Room - I'll Be Available Soon

This sweet girl was hit by a car and brought to a local vet by a good Samaritan.

We were able to "make room" for her and get her to our ortho specialist. X-rays showed both back legs were broken, her pelvis was broken, and her jaw was also broken. So many bad things to happen to such a small, sweet pup!

She has a long road ahead but that journey has now thankfully started. She had her first surgery on 2/19/2025. 

Her total surgical cost comes at a high price: approx. $10,000.00. We can only continue to take on cases like this with the help of our awesome supporters like you. Pups like Roan depend on all of us and we want to give her the chance she deserves.  

You can also send supplies directly for Roan through her Cuddly wishlist: https://cuddly.com/donate/4946324/roan

R0an is currently recovering in one of our Memphis area foster homes.


  • Mix
  • Female
  • 12 Weeks OldMy DoB is 12/23/2024 (Estimated)
  • 9 Pounds
  • Tri Color
  • $ 200.00

DONATE NOW       Help us take care of Roan